1.a tax that is added to the basic price of something you buy
1.Admittedly, as an online outfit Amazon does not pay sales tax in American states where it has no physical presence.
2.Amazon's experimental "Fresh" grocery program is now active in Seattle, where the company already collects sales tax.
3.The report criticises member states' attempts to combat fraud with a "reverse charge" mechanism, which turns VAT into a form of sales tax.
4.Old lady: I'd like to buy this red bra. Can you tell how much the sales tax is?
5.Finally, I had to threaten not to allow my own sales-tax bill to pass if the testing wasn't passed along with it.
6.Texas has no personal-income or capital-gains taxes, instead relying heavily on the sales tax, the property tax and various business taxes.
7.computer software patents and the right to use non-patent technology transfer is not to collect sales tax, value-added tax should be levied.
8.The speaker explained that casino gambling would help the city's finances, so a proposed sales tax increase would not be necessary.
9.These two gigs add up to the biggest annual sales-tax earner for the city, Christmas included.
10.Mr Cain's rivals do worry, though, that his scheme will introduce a new federal revenue stream, in the form of a sales tax.